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flower: [13] The Old English word for ‘flower’ was blōstm, which is ultimately related to flower. Both come from Indo-European *bhlō-, which probably originally meant ‘swell’, and also gave English bloom, blade, and the now archaic blow ‘come into flower’. Its Latin descendant was flōs, whose stem form flōr- passed via Old French flour and Anglo-Norman flur into English, where it gradually replaced blossom as the main word for ‘flower’. Close English relatives include floral, florid [17] (from Latin flōridus), florin, florist [17] (an English coinage), flour, and flourish.
=> blade, bloom, blow, floral, florid, flour, flourish
flower (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1200, flour, also flur, flor, floer, floyer, flowre, "the blossom of a plant; a flowering plant," from Old French flor "flower, blossom; heyday, prime; fine flour; elite; innocence, virginity" (12c., Modern French fleur), from Latin florem (nominative flos) "flower" (source of Italian fiore, Spanish flor; compare flora).

From late 14c. in English as "blossoming time," also, figuratively, "prime of life, height of one's glory or prosperity, state of anything that may be likened to the flowering state of a plant." As "the best, the most excellent; the best of its class or kind; embodiment of an ideal," early 13c. (of persons, mid-13c. of things); for example flour of milk "cream" (early 14c.); especially "wheat meal after bran and other coarse elements have been removed, the best part of wheat" (mid-13c.). Modern spelling and full differentiation from flour (n.) is from late 14c.

In the "blossom of a plant" sense it ousted its Old English cognate blostm (see blossom (n.)). Also used from Middle English as a symbol of transitoriness (early 14c.); "a beautiful woman" (c. 1300); "virginity" (early 14c.). Flower-box is from 1818. Flower-arrangement is from 1873. Flower child "gentle hippie" is from 1967.
flower (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1200, "be vigorous, prosper, thrive," from flower (n.). Of a plant or bud, "to blossom," c. 1300. Meaning "adorn or cover with flowers" is from 1570s. Related: Flowered; flowering.



来自拉丁语florem, 花,来自PIE*bhel, 鼓起,膨胀,开花,词源同blow, foil. 拼写比较tower,turret.

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:flower 词源,flower 含义。


在盎格鲁撒克逊时期,用以指“花”的英语词只有一个,这就是blostm,即现代英语的blossom。1066年的诺曼征服 ( Norman Conquest)之后,情况发生了变化,源自拉丁语fos' flower’(花)的法语单词flour于13世纪进入英语,以后演化为flower,并逐渐取代了blossom。因此,我们可以说flower是源自拉丁语flos。英语还有不少词和这个拉丁词有亲缘关系。_古罗马宗教所信奉的女花神Flora(福罗拉)和美国的Florida(佛罗里达)州都源自flos,还有flour(面粉),flourish(茂盛),floral(花的),florid(绚丽的),florist(花商,种花者)等词也均源出于此。(参见flour)


来源于拉丁语动词floreo, florere, florui, -(花),经由古法语flour和盎格鲁-诺曼底语flur进入英语。





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