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  • v.摇动,抖动; 动摇; 摇头; 颤抖; 握手; 使非常震惊/烦恼; 摆脱
  • n.摇动; 抖动; 颤抖; 奶昔



The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit...


Shake the rugs well and hang them for a few hours before replacing on the floor...


As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself...


He shook his hands to warm them up.


'Anything else?' Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily...


We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.


He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair...


My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone...


Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes.


The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him...


The protesters burst through police lines into the cathedral square, shaking clenched fists.


...an explosion that shook buildings several kilometers away...


The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot...


Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar...


She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders...


His voice shaking with rage, he asked how the committee could keep such a report from the public.


The news of Tandy's escape had shaken them all...


She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce...


It won't shake the football world if we beat Torquay...


When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control...


No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction...


Many businessmen still find it hard to shake themselves out of the old state-dependent habit.


He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.


A lot of people think that they're not going to get a fair shake from the courts.


I'm no great shakes as a detective...


The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes.


I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand...


The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.


He nodded greetings to Mary Ann and Michael and shook hands with Burke...


We shook hands and parted on good terms.



Do your contacts share your point of view on most subjects? If yes, it's time to shake things up.


Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more


Moreover, the participants reported feeling more full when they thought they'd consumed a higher-calorie shake


You would not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced, but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you on both cheeks.


If yes, it's time to shake things up .

2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

Their leadership in the global economy was shaken.


first, the earthquake would shake metropolitan areas including Seattle and Portland.

2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

The marketing is tempting: Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies with minimal effort by adding protein powder to your morning shake or juice drink.

2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

After he steadied himself, he shook Glenn's mother's hand, and the inspection continued as though nothing had happened.

2015年高考英语湖南卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

As they left student life behind, many had a last drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and moved out of small apartments into high buildings.

2015年高考英语浙江卷 完形填空 原文

He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder, shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane.

2015年高考英语江苏卷 任务型阅读 原文

Hoping that no one would notice that I was shaking inside, I threw my voice as far as it would reach: "Put your heads on the desks and close your eyes! We are going on a journey."

2015年高考英语湖南卷 完形填空 原文

I actually began to build up my arm muscles肌肉 shaking my set.

2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound.

2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.

2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.

2018年高考英语全国卷3 语法填空 原文

When combined with berries of slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat "ice cream".

2018年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.



  • 1. building material used as siding or roofing

  • 2. frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream

  • 3. a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it

  • 4. grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)

  • 5. reflex shaking caused by cold or fear or excitement

  • 6. causing to move repeatedly from side to side

  • 1. move or cause to move back and forth;

    "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"

    "My hands were shaking"

  • 2. move with or as if with a tremor;

    "his hands shook"

  • 3. shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively;

    "The old engine was juddering"

  • 4. move back and forth or sideways;

    "the ship was rocking"

    "the tall building swayed"

    "She rocked back and forth on her feet"

  • 5. undermine or cause to waver;

    "my faith has been shaken"

    "The bad news shook her hopes"

  • 6. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of;

    "These stories shook the community"

    "the civil war shook the country"

  • 7. get rid of;

    "I couldn't shake the car that was following me"

  • 8. bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking;

    "He was shaken from his dreams"

    "shake the salt out of the salt shaker"

  • 9. shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state;

    "shake one's head"

    "She shook her finger at the naughty students"

    "The old enemies shook hands"

    "Don't shake your fist at me!"


shake, tremble, shiver, quiver, vibrate, shudder


  • shake: 最普通用词,含义广。指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律。
  • tremble: 指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗。
  • shiver: 指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖。
  • quiver: 多用于指事物。指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动。
  • vibrate: 指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动。
  • shudder: 着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗。




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